Inventory of data used for analysis.

Our data is sourced from official sources such as the "Companies Register", "Financial Service Providers Register" and "Charities Service" which are maintained by the NZ Companies Office or Department of Internal Affairs. Links to source are provided on legal entities for validation.

Changes made at source are captured each day and processed to maintain a propriety database supporting a wider range of use cases. We combine, clean and enrich these separate data sets for a single connected view to make use of network theory analysis. A network is made up of connections between entities and how they are related to each other via roles. The table provided list the current inventory in use and when it was last updated.

All the changes captured and processed during the month are published at the beginning of the following month. A tweet from @OversightLtd is sent once it is available. The results can be used via the website for interactive use or integrated via APIs for corporate members.

If you would like to have additional data included into the network please get in contact with Oversight Support. For more up-to-date data a bespoke solution can be provided for corporate registrations.

Changes from previous month.

Entity Type
NZ Limited Company 4387
NZ Un-Limited 1
Overseas ASIC Company 14
Overseas Non-ASIC Company 7
Partnership -30
Sole Trader -341
Trust -15
Foreign Entity 219
Person 10910
Role Type
Company Director 9026
Ultimate Holding Company 404
Owner -482
Part ownership -30
Company Shareholder 1439
Trust role -22
Related Person 13282
Person Shareholder 8908

Future changes can be notified by email on each entity profile page or create a Watch alert for changes within a specific industry or region.

Entity Type
NZ Co-operative Company 209
NZ Limited Company 1708828
NZ Un-Limited 815
Overseas ASIC Company 4368
Overseas Non-ASIC Company 3697
Partnership 4729
Sole Trader 67327
Trust 2337
Foreign Entity 51710
Charities Service 40696
Person 2588361
Role Type
Person Shareholder 3316401
Company Director 3481321
Charity Trust Administrator 742
Charity Trust Chief Fire Officer 535
Charity Trust Chairman 21278
Charity Trust Committee Member 65421
Charity Trust Councillor 971
Charity Trust Deputy Chairman 1802
Charity Trust Director 13208
Charity Trust Executive Officer 1364
Charity Trust Member 3799
Charity Trust Manager 636
Ultimate Holding Company 61298
Charity Trust Officer 3634
Charity Trust Role 261701
Charity Trust President 13364
Charity Trust Secretary 29194
Charity Trust Vice President 7082
Charity Services Company 1764
Charity Trust Board Member 133
Charity Trust Board Treasurer 30694
Owner 73237
Part ownership 4710
Company Shareholder 461544
Trust role 539
Related Person 893823
Updated on 02/12/2024