168 THE SQUARE LIMITED is a member of a network consisting of 32 other legal entities with 11 individuals involved. The company has been operating for 177 months while the average age of companies operating in this network is 202 months. Significant beneficial owners have been identified as CRAIG DUNLOP and ANNE DUNLOP owning an equal share of %20 each. See chart below for more details. The two active directors have been involved with thirteen other companies which are no longer registered. This network is mostly represented within Palmerston North City.
Information within this profile has been produced on 2023-04-02 with data sourced from Oversight Solultions Ltd and Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment
Beneficial owners based on shareholding hierarchy
Source Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment NZBI API as of 09/03/2023
Benificial owners chart based on shareholding hierarchy. Subscription required to dispay details.
Use mouse to move (hold button down and drag) and resize (with mouse wheel)
Benificial owners list
Multiple industries are represented.
Network mostly consists of NZ Limited Company
Top region is Palmerston North City
New Zealand map by region
Origin of Surnames
Note: May not represent the nationality of the person and some surnames may have multiple origins.
Most companies have been operating between 9 and 17 years.