Network profile for COMAC NOMINEES NO 29 LIMITED
COMAC NOMINEES NO. 29 LIMITED is a member of a network consisting of 134 other legal entities with 2 individuals involved. The company has been operating for less than 6 months while the average age of companies operating in this network is 87 months. The two active directors have been involved with one hundred and twenty-nine other companies which are no longer registered. This network is mostly represented within the Auckland area.
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Information within this profile has been produced on 2023-04-15 with data sourced from Oversight Solultions Ltd and Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment
Network online presence
Type | Link | Since |
Website | WILSONMCKAY.CO.NZ | Jun-2000 |
Website | STONESTRONG.CO.NZ | Jul-2007 |
Website | COMAC.NET.NZ | Mar-2009 |
Website | COMAC.NET.NZ | Mar-2009 |
Legal | Entity Register |
Common words in company names
Persons of significance